What to wear on a date when it’s beginning to get serious?

Love is in the air. It may or may not have been spoken yet but there’s a certain understanding…

A special date is coming up, perhaps Valentines, and maybe something special has been arranged, or not? Maybe you’re content to stay in and have a meal or go down to the local pub. But you still want to make an effort, right? So, what to wear on a date when it’s beginning to get serious?

By this time you know each other pretty well so there’s no need to try to be someone you’re not. Stay true to yourself. Don’t dress for your date, dress for yourself. For me, this would be a dress, because I like dresses and they make me feel pretty. It’s not unusual for me to wear a dress, my date wouldn’t be surprised but I would like to wear a dress that is slightly special. Not a dress I wear to work or every day. Of course it’s always nice to wear a new dress! Time to go shopping?

See our current range and find something special that suits you.


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