London Time Out Love London Awards 2016 Nomination

Oh it's no big deal really. We've only been nominated for a SECOND TIME OUT #LOVELONDONAWARDS!
....I mean, calm down everyone!!....*squeals and runs laps around the shop*

Vote for us to win here!

Long term customers will remember my blog from this when we were nominated last year. (Find it here if you're new! And also, hello new reader!) Rowena's blog was a little more level headed. I was extremely exited. Much like I am now!

Being a Time Out award winner was the most amazing feeling. To know that all the blood sweat and floods of tears was appreciated was a sensational feeling.
To be nominated AGAIN... It's just beyond. So very very exciting and humbling.

Help us win a second award and vote now!

Managing an award winning independent shop is such a source of pride for me as I know I've really helped this baby grow. Customers who visit for the first tim in store usually ask me if the shop is 'mine'. And I always say that my name isn't on the birth certificate, but I'm a full time parent. Seeing my name pop up in the reviews on the Time Out website makes my day! Not that I regularly check or anything.... 

I would LOVE us to win a second year. Not just for me, but for Rowena again, my colleague who started this company. Her vision got us here and continually helps new women every day feel better about themselves just through the simple medium of finding clothes that fit and flatter. The woman is an inspiration, and although she sees herself as a frazzled never ending to-do list, I see someone who is endlessly determined and always has the best ideas.

It's been a tough few months as we've seen other independent business move away from central London or close completely in favour of going online only. To be nominated again proves to us that we are doing something not just well, but REALLY well. It gives us encouragement for the plans we have for the future. Is world domination one of those plans? Abso-blimmin-lutely!

The competition is stiff! Your vote could change everything!

When we went to the winners party last year (which you can read about here) it was such a celebration of our peers in the independent business community. Lots of customers may never realise how hard it is to do your own thing when you're pitted against a homogenised high street with big brands who have bottomless pockets. I may have gotten a little emotional over it. I blame (and thank) the flowing wine!

So if you've made it this far, thank you, and it will mean that you've either voted already (thank you again!) or you are about to! You can go straight there: Click the heart for us in the top right hand corner and leave a review too if you like. Thank you. Every heart counts, so nag your friends and family too!

Help make us Time Out #LoveLondonAwards Winners again!


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