Revival Repairs FAQ

Q: What clothing can be repaired?

A: Revival Retro Own Range clothing that is clean and in reasonable condition. If your clothing is unclean it will be returned to you at your own expense or disposed of.

Q: Can you repair other brands I’ve bought from you?

A: We design and manufacture our Own Range therefore we have the means and supplies required to make repairs to those garments. We cannot offer repairs to other brands though we do encourage them to do what they can to commit to Net Zero.

Q: What repairs can you do?

A: The repair service includes but is not limited to: sew on or replace missing buttons, repair or replace broken zips, mend tears and rips, secure hems and mend holes. If we deem an item irreparable we can deny your request. Where possible we will make suggestions of next steps such as refashioning, textile recycling etc. 

Q: How much do repairs cost?

A: All repairs will be assessed and quoted on a case by case basis. There is a minimum charge of £25. All quotes given are valid for 10 working days. Once the item/s has been assessed in person, if a new quote is required i.e. the work is more complex than anticipated, you will be notified.

Q: How long will it take for me to receive my item/s back?

A: Turnaround time per item is approximately 21 days. If it will take longer than this you will be notified.

Q: I live outside of the UK, can I send items back for repair?

A: For the time being it is only for our UK based customers. We encourage you to seek out local skilled sewers to undertake any repairs.

Q: How do I request a repair?

A: Please fill out this short Google Form here.