Small Business Local Hero Rowena Howie

My name is Rowena Howie, I am the founder of Revival Retro. As a small business owner I am passionate about people. In the ten years running my London independent shop of all the achievements we have witnesses probably the most memorable and most rewarding for me have been when I have created jobs that people enjoy. Hiring fantastic people and inspiring them, watching them grow and flourish and help make the business even better has been possibly the most rewarding part of my life as a small business owner.


"People get people" as is commonly heard and this is only too true when it goes to finding good people that not only deliver fantastic customer service but genuinely want to build relationships and create experiences that will keep customers coming back. I believe that is why Revival is a multi award winning business with a large number of repeat customers that are happy to be our champions.


Small Business Saturday Local Hero


That's why when the Small Business Saturday UK campaign invited me to be one of their 'Local Heroes' I was only too happy to get on board. I love supporting people who are passionate and want to achieve great things so if i can inspire or help in any way in my capacity as a Local Hero then I will.


You can get in touch with me via social media
Instagram @retrorow
Twitter @rowenahowie
or via the business social channels
There are small business heroes all over the country. Connect with your local hero via the hashtag


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